Something we do

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OUR Fleet

The Eastville Volunteer Department was originally incorporated in 1931 as the Eastville town council motioned to purchase a chemical fire engine known as ‘Double 35’.  For the next several years, the all-volunteer company purchased additional apparatus and constructed a new fire station in 1940.  Pictured below is the station and a new 1941 Ford pumper.  Bake sales, carnivals, and sale of potatoes provided a majority of the funds to construct the station and purchase new equipment.
Today, the Eastville Volunteer Department has grown into an efficient company providing modern and effective firefighting and emergency services to its community.


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Rescue Engine 17
2001 Spartan Pumper

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1993 Mack Tanker

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2002 Chevrolet Tanker

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Brush 17
1999 Ford Brush Vehicle

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